Areas of Expertise

Lighting Design
Sound Design
Video and Film
Stage Management

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, oh wait. This is the real contact page. And this is the real contact info below. I’ll respond as soon as I see your message, I promise. I am waiting to hear your wonderful ideas!


Ask me.


  • Well…it all started when I was twelve. Seriously. My dad threw me into theater classes because I wouldn’t stop lip-syncing to songs in the kitchen at full blast. So yeah, there was that. I also wanted to impress my little brothers with my “oh-so-cool” technology skills. It’s been fun and games ever since.

  • That’s easy. Videogames - any kind - but particularly competitive multiplayer games like Starcraft 2 or League of Legends (Diamond in Solo Queue and Masters in TFT!) or Call of Duty/Halo!